Yes. Simply, login to your account and enter in your banking routing number, and the money will be transferred. Please allow 2-3 business for the transfer. There should be NO charge to transfer funds.
Articles in this section
- SeneBucks vs SeneCash
- How do I get notified about my commissions?
- What are $eneBucks?
- May I have all or part of commissions stay in SeneCash?
- Why should I use the SeneCard?
- Do I have to use the SeneCard to spend my commissions?
- Can I transfer my commissions from PayQuicker into my checking or savings account?
- Where in the compensation structure does levels moving up (compression) occur?
- If I have a first level Distributor that does not place an order in a given month, for purpose of downline commissions, does the next level get moved up? (Compression).
- If I have a first level Distributor that does not place an order in a given month, but some of her/his downline does, would I still receive downline commissions on those distributors?
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